
,,HowtouseChromaKeyinVSDCVideoEditormosteffectivelyinthreesimplesteps.,,,,Togetstarted,importyourfootagetoVSDC,thenopentheVideoeffectsmenuandselectTransparency-Backgroundremover.TheObject'spositionsettings ...,,Sometimesyouneedtoremovebackgroundfromanimage.Ourvideoeditorsupportstworemovingmethods:bychromakeyandbymask.Removingbychromakeyis ...

How to remove background in VSDC Free Video Editor

How to use Chroma Key in VSDC Video Editor most effectively in three simple steps.

VSDC Releases Advanced Chroma Key

To get started, import your footage to VSDC, then open the Video effects menu and select Transparency - Background remover. The Object's position settings ...

How to remove a background from an image

Sometimes you need to remove background from an image. Our video editor supports two removing methods: by chromakey and by mask. Removing by chromakey is ...